Homelessness is hidden in rural communities. People who sleep rough are often stuck in remote and isolated locations. People who are at risk of homelessness become isolated and access to the help they need can be hard to reach.
The Dairy House was the first rural rough sleeper hostel in the South West making a huge impact towards ending rough sleeping in Mendip.
Root Connections is key to the support and care provided to residents of the Dairy House and to the wider community. By offering creative social and therapeutic pathways, our project re-connects vulnerable adults with complex needs to community life. The project builds confidence, re-engages, develops social skills and offers practical help around re-skilling and re-training for work. Our Friends connect everything we do; we wouldn’t have impact in our community without you. Become a Friend of the Farm
We urgently need to raise £50,000 to build an outdoor classroom. Creating a bespoke, all year-round facility so that we can deliver horticulture-based health and wellbeing pathways to our beneficiaries is our next task.
The classroom will be used for those who are rough-sleeping or at risk of homelessness as well as other local groups and people who, with more complex needs, are struggling to recover from the effects of the pandemic in particular, and rural isolation more generally.
Our vision is to create an all-year round, heated space that will bring individuals and the community together – in all weathers – and crucially when our beneficiaries need it most in the long winter days.
Become a Friend of the Farm by donating today and make a real difference in someone’s life.
Just £60 will pay for a specialist, qualified practitioner to lead a workshop for 4 vulnerable adults.
Just £100 will help us to pay roof tiles and essential materials for our new outdoor classroom.